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Image de Emma Gossett

Annuelles H à Z

Mise à jour le 13 février 2024. N'hésitez pas à nous faire vos demandes via le site web. Bon printemps 2024!

Gypsophila Gypsy White
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Helichrysum Icecicle
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Helichrysum petiolare Gold Leaf
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Heliotrope Marino 2000
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 13-15 cm
7,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Heliotrope Midnight Sky
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Hypoeste Splash Select Mixed
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Impatiens Accent Premium Red
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Impatiens Accent Primium White
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Impatiens Imara Purple
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Impatiens N.G. Roller Coaster Hot Pink ND/2024
Impatiens N.G. Sunpatiens Compact Hot Pink
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Impatiens N.G. Sunpatiens Compact Red
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Impatiens N.G. Sunpatiens Compact Tropica Rose
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Impatiens N.G. Sunpatiens Compact White
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Ipomea Bright Ideas Lime ND/2024
Ipomea Floramia Blacky
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Ipomea Floramia Limon Wedge
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Ipomea Sweet Caroline Red Hawk ND/2024
Ipomea Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Jet Black ou Ace of Spade
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Ipomea Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Mahoagny
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Ipomea Sweetheart Purple ND/2024
Ipomea batatas Blacky
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Ipomea batatas Margarita Lime
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Juncus inflexus Blue Arrow
Pot 1 L
7,99 $
Lagurus ovatus Bunny Tails
Pot 13 cm
7,99 $
Lamiastrum Jade Frost
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g
14,99 $
Lantana Bandana White
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Lantana Bandana Yellow
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Lantana Heartland Neon
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Lantana Luscious Royale Red Zone ND/2024
Lierre allemand
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
14,99 $
Lobelia Hot Waterblue
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Lobelia Laguna Cloud White (cascade)
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Lobelia Laguna Dark Blue (cascade) ND/2024
Lobelia Regatta White Riviera
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Lobélie Regatta Marine Blue
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Lysimachia numularia Aurea
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Pot 17 cm
14,99 $
Mandevilla Madinia Maximo Scarlet
Pot 21 cm
21,99 $
Mandevilla Madinia Pink
Pot 21 cm
21,99 $
Mecardonia Gold Dust
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Monstera Monkey Mask (plante d'intérieur)
Pot 4,5''
6,99 $
Musa (bananier) Basjoo
Pot 10'' TC
29,99 $
Musa (bananier) Grand Nain
Pot 5-7 g
49,99 $
Pot 10'' TC
29,99 $
Nemesia Coconut IMP.
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Nolana Paradoxa
Pot 4,5''
6,99 $
Osteo Akila White Purple Eye
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Osteospermum Akila Lavender Shades
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Osteospermum Bright Lights Berry Rose
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 6''
7,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Osteospermum Bright Lights Red
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 6''
7,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Osteospermum Bright Lights Yellow
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 6''
7,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Osteospermum Margarita Orange Flare
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 6''
7,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Osteospermum Margarita Purple
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 6''
7,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Osteospermum Margarita Yellow ND/2024 subs. Bright Light Yellow
Osteospermum Tradewinds Sunset
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 6''
7,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Oxalis burgundy
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Oxalis triangularis
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Pennisetum glauc. Purple Majesty
Pot 21 cm
14,99 $
Pennisetum glaucum Jade Princess
Pot 21 cm
14,99 $
Pennisetum purp. First Knight
Pot 21 cm
21,99 $
Pennisetum setac. Rubrum
Pot 1L
7,99 $
Pericallis Senetti Violet ND/2024
Petunia retombant Cascadias Indian Summer (jaune orangé) ND/2024
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Easy Pink Passion
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Easy Wave Burgundy Velour
Petunia retombant Easy Wave White
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Easy Wave Yellow
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Inferno Ember Red
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Shock Wave Coconut White
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Shock Wave Deep Purple
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Shock Wave Pink Veined
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Supertunia Mini Vista Scarlet
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Supertunia Moncello
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Supertunia Persimmon
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Surfinia Deep Red
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Surfinia White ou Durabloom White subs. Easy Wave White
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia retombant Sweetunia Suzie Storm (fuschia pourpre) ND/2024
Petunia retombant Wave Carmine Velour
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia semi-retombant Capella Hello Yellow ND/2024
Petunia semi-retombant Crazytunia Mayan Sunset (jaune orangé) ND/2024
Petunia semi-retombant DuraBloom White ND/2024
Petunia semi-retombant Durabloom Purple
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
3,99 $
Petunia semi-retombant Petchoa SuperCal Sunset Orange ND/2024
Petunia érigé TriTunia Blue
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Petunia érigé TriTunia Pink Morn
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Petunia érigé TriTunia Red
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Petunia érigé TriTunia White
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Petunia érigé grandiflora Daddy Blue
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Petunia érigé grandiflora Dreams Red
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Petunia érigé grandiflora Dreams White
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Pilea Peperominoides ND/2024
Pilea glauca Aquamarine ND/2024
Plectranthus Magic Mona ND/2024
Plectranthus scutell. Mighty Mosaic N/D 2024
Portulacaria (plante d'intérieur)
Pot 4,5''
6,99 $
Ricinus Carmencita Pink
Pot 17 cm
11,99 $
Ricinus Carmencita Red
Pot 17 cm
11,99 $
Rudbeckia Amarillo Gold (AAS)
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Rudbeckia Indian Summer
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Rudbeckia Prairie Sun
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Salvia Farinacea Fairy Queen ND/2024
Salvia Lancelot ND/2024
Salvia farinacea Victoria White ou Evolution White
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Salvia farinacea Victoria bleu
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Scaevola blanc
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Scaevola bleu Bombay Dark Blue ou Scarola Brilliant
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Scaevola bleu Scalora Fancy
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Scaevola bleu Scalora Top Pot Blue ND/2024
Scaevola bleu Touch Indigo
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Scaevola bleu lilas Scalora Diamond ND/2024
Scaevola rose Pink Cloud
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Sedum Angelina
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Pot 13 cm
7,99 $
Sedum ou orpin (plante d'intérieur)
Pot 4,5''
6,99 $
Pot 13 cm PM
7,99 $
Sterptocarpus Ladyslippers Grape Ice ND/2024
Sterptocarpus Ladyslippers Strawberry Ice ND/2024
Stipa Pony Tail
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Streptocarpus Concord Blue
Pot 4,5''
5,99 $
Pot 2 g PM
19,99 $
Tagete Bonanza Bee
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagete Bonanza Bolero
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagete Bonanza Deep orange
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagete Disco Yellow
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagete Durango Mixture
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagete Durango Tangerine
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagete Durango Yellow
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagete Super Hero Spry
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagète Disco Marietta
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagète Disco Red
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagète Durango Bolero
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagète Durango Red
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagète Marvel Yellow
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Tagète Marvel Orange
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Talinum Limon ND/2024
Thunbergia Sunny Suzie Amber Stripe
Pot 17 cm
12,99 $
Thunbergia Susie Orange Eye
Pot 17 cm
12,99 $
Thunebergia Rose Sensation
Pot 17 cm
12,99 $
Tradescantia Amber Waves (plante d'intérieur)
Pot 13 cm
7,99 $
Pot 17 cm PM
12,99 $
Tradescantia pourpre
Pot 13 cm
7,99 $
Verveine Bonariensis Finesse
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
6,99 $
Verveine retombant Superbena Raspberry
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Verveine semi-retombant Empress Sun White
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Verveine semi-retombant Estrella Blueberry ND/2024
Verveine semi-retombant Estrella Voodoo Red Star ND/2024
Verveine semi-retombant Estrella Voodoo Salmon Star
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Verveine semi-retombant Estrella White Impr.
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Verveine semi-retombant Temari Patio Blue
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Verveine semi-retombant Vanessa Comp. Lime
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Verveine semi-retombant Vanessa Compact White
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Verveine semi-retombante Vanessa Comp. Red
Cell 6, six pack (3,5'')
17,99 $
Pot 4,5''
4,99 $
Vinca minor Illumination
Pot 9 cm
3,99 $
Viola Mammoth Big Red
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Viola Mammoth Blue-ti-ful
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Viola Mammoth Glamarama White
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Viola Mammoth Prima Yellorina
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Viola Mammoth Sangria Punch
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Viola Sorbet Delft Blue subs Cats Plus Purple & White
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Zea mays Field of Dream ND/2024
Zinnia Magellan Cherry
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Zinnia Magellan Yellow
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Zinnia Profusion Cherry Bicolor
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Zinnia Profusion Double Hot Cherry
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Zinnia Profusion double Red
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
Zinnia Zahara Double Yellow
Cellule de 6 (2,5'')
5,99 $
Zinnia Zahara Sunburst
Pot 3,5''
3,99 $
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